'Christmas is coming , the goose is getting fat.'
and all that. We have some wonderful Christmas events coming up on the Snark. They are filling up fast so if you want to join us in celebrating the Winter Festivals do book soon.

20 December Christmas Jazz ! sold out ! There is another chance to join us for some seasonal music and celebrations on the 17th January.
24 December Christmas Eve brunch - ! sold out ! but there is space on the 17th to get together with family and friends for a pre-Christmas meet up.
25 December Christmas lunch - Share a Snark family Christmas with us and others; roast goose and all the trimmings, complimentary drinks and a good dose of Christmas cheer. There are still a few places left.
1 January New Years Eve brunch. Don't start those NY resolutions until after you have had our blow out brunch complete with the 'hair of the dog'.
6 January Twelfth Night Dinner - Chaos reigns as the Lord of Misrule takes ove; good food, games and music to round off the Christmas festivities.